Sabine Hagmann


Sabine Hagmann works with photography, words, video, and people. She also creates installations, performances and participatory events – often in collaboration with others. She has exhibited widely and worked in several artist collectives. Her practice revolves around the questions of who we are, how we move in and between worlds and how we relate to others. She is interested in small-scale tales, basic questions, and everyday existential experiences.

Born in 1965 in Basel/Switzerland, Sabine Hagmann grew up in Düsseldorf in Germany, Bremgarten/BE and Lommiswil/SO in Switzerland. A few semesters at the University of Basel (Sociology, History and Education) were followed by studies at the Art School in Basel and the 'Fotoklasse' at the SfG Zurich (now ZHdK), where she obtained a Diploma in Photography in 1994.
After a few years of practice, she continued her education at Goldsmiths College/University of London, graduating with an MA in Fine Art in 2000.

Based in Zürich since 1989, she has also been working abroad during residencies in Genova/Italy, Bamako/Mali, Marseille/France, Arbroath/Scotland, Tbilisi/Georgia, and longer stays in London and Istanbul.

Hagmann has been teaching internationally, including at the F+F School of Art and Design Zürich/Fine Art, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences /Social Work, Albanian School for Photography Tirana, University of Liechtenstein/Cross-Faculty Subjects, CCA Tbilisi/Informal Master Programm, Welcome to School Zürich (for young refugees) and other institutions. 2011 to 2022, she was Head of the Foundation Programme at the F+F F School of Art and Design.

(complete CV on request)

a lot of pictures of hers and her favorite artists' work on instagram

more infos about Sabine Hagmann - work, projects, collaborations can be found here:

videos on vimeo,
documentation of the female artists' collective mit,
series of panels, a collaboration with Flavia Caviezel, plus publication Blackbox,
artist residency Rotationsatelier at OG9 Zürich,
artists' ball 1. sozialer Plastik-Ball, a collaboration with Klodin Erb + Françoise Caraco
art school project ARTSCHOOL/UK,
and more work on the artists' archive dock in Basel

Schöneggstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland
